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Poultry, Pigeon, Game Birds & Gamefowl Supplies

H-6-4 Avio-Coxiworm Tablets


The safest and most effective single dose tablet ever developed for the treatment of all major worm and Coccidiosis infestation. Coxiworm has no effect on feathering or flying performance, and does not cause vomiting. The perfect tablet to use when weaning babies. When you move the youngsters out of the breeding pen, give it one Coxiworm tablet. Does one tablet per pigeon during the race season and twice during the breeding season. Cointains Pyrantel Pamoate, Praziquantel and Toltrazuril.

Avio-Coxiworm Tablets 100 Tablets

Not recommended for birds producing meat or eggs for human comsumption.

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